88 Southern Historical Society Papers.
cold ' that the world had somehow grown commonplace, and the men of wit and genius, or those who could appreciate such qualities in others, looking over the surviving bar, exclaimed with a sigh:
" ' The blaze of wit, the flash of bright intelligence, The beam of social eloquence, Sunk with his sun.' "
Report of its Operations, April 3-6, 1865, when it was captured with Lee's Division at Sailor's Creek.
This, printed from the original manuscript, was recently supplied by General G. W. Custis Lee, late President Washington and Lee University :
SAVANNAH, March j, 1866.
Major- General G. W. C. Lee, Commanding Lee' 's Division,
Eiveir s Corps, Army Northern Virginia. GENERAL:
In compliance with your request that I would communicate in an official form such information as I may possess of the opera- tions of Crutchfield's Brigade, from the evacuation of the lines on the north of the James river to the capture of the Division at Sailors' Creek, on the 6th April, 1865, I have the honor to report as fol- lows:
The Brigade consisted of the loth, i8th, igth and aoth Virginia Battalions of artillery, the Chaffin's Bluff garrison composed of five unattached Virginia companies of artillery, temporarily organized as a battalion, and the i8th Georgia battalion.
These battalions were organized in pairs, and commanded as fol- lows: The Chaffin's Bluff battalion and the i8th Georgia by Major W. H. Gibbes; the i8th and iQth Virginia by Lieutenant-Colonel Howard; the loth and 2oth Virginia by Lieutenant-Colonel Atkin- son.
I need not recapitulate the circumstances of the march; nor en- large on the starving condition of the troops, further than to say