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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 25.djvu/43

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that from the commencement of the movement to the moment of our falling into tin haml.s ot the enemy, the only stores issued wen-, OIK pound of meal and one-third of a pound of bacon. These were i> sued on the afternoon of the 4th, and so far as I was informed, only t tliis brigade; the Brigade Commissary having, fnrtunatly, that small supply on hand.

We saw or heard no signs of the enemy until the 5th, when re- ports of small arms at some distance indicated their approach. Having passed Amelia Court House several miles, several companies, from the Chaffin's Bluff" Battalion, and from the battalion under Col- onel Atkinson's command, were deployed as skirmishers on the left of the line of march, and continued to march in that order and position, parallel to the column, during all that day and night. But there was no appearance of an enemy until about 10 o'clock that night, when we were fired upon by what was supposed to be a small advanced party of the enemy's cavalry.

About 10 or ii o'clock on the morning of the 6th the enemy being discovered in close proximity, the brigade was formed in line of battle faced to the left. I presumed to cover the passage of the trains. But the enemy contented himself with shelling the trains and the road by which the troops passed. But no one was hurt.

After crossing Sailor's Creek, and while halted near the crest of the hill beyond it, the enemy was discovered advancing in heavy force towards our left and rear. His artillery came up rapidly and took position on the summit of the hill we had recently passed over, on the other side of the creek, near the houses of Hillsmans' farm, and not more than 350 and 400 yards from us, as I have ascertained by a subsequent careful examination of the ground.

The division immediately formed line, faced to the rear, about one-third of the distance down the hill, Crutchfield's Brigade on the right. But before the line was formed, and while the greater part of the troops were yet moving to their position, the enemy opened fire with case, shells, and canister.

The 1 8th Georgia was on the extreme right of the brigade; next stood the Chaffin's Bluff troops, Major Robert Stiles. In conse- quence of the transfer of Major Gibbes on the day previous, to Harda way's Battalion of Artillerv, the command of these two bat- talions had devolved on myself. The conformation of the ground was such that I could see distinctly only these two battalions after getting into position. Consequently, whatever I have to state further relates to them alone.