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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/155

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that at every point the commanding yeiHTal was thwarted, not permitted t<> assemble his own command lor the great effort. that his veteran brigades, Cooke's. Jenkins' and Corse's, were kept inactive against his protest, and that his advice was continually un- heeded. The crowning difficulty was the weakness in cavalry for ti< nsive operations.

The opposition which he encountered and the wants and difficul- ties which beset him are painfully manifest.

The agony which wrung his noble being is truly pathetic. His patience, his ardent patriotism were sublime.

Few men have been so tried in the crucible of agonized spirit.

The facts as presented give a limning not to be attained in set phrase.

The gallant officer who made this compilation, Colonel William H. Palmer, formerly Chief of Staff of General A. P. Hill, has richly merited our gratitude. EDITOR.




AV /:". Lee, March 2jth, \ His army not supplied with food. r &*>3, page 687, to James A. Seddon, Secretary of War.

R. E. Lc<\ March 2yth, \ Scouts on duty ordered away by De- 1863, page 6pf, to Sed- partment without his knowledge. don.

R. E. Lee, April ist, \ Tells him to have his artillery horses 1863, page 697, to Gen- "grazed and browsed" in the absense >-ral \V. N. Pendleton. of long forage.

R. E. Lee, April 16, \ Unable to bring his army together for 1863, page 725, to want of subsistence and forage. President Dan's.

A'. A'. Lee, April 17,18631 \ Army failing in health, because of P a K e 73* to Sed don. insufficient rations ]^ Ib. bacon, 18

oz. flour, 10 Ibs. rice, to each 100 men every third day. Will break down when called upon for exertion.