150 tfovlln-rn ///.v/o/'/W// Snru'tt/ Paper*.
R. E. Lee, April 20,1863 \ Gives points in the South (Florida and page 7^7, to Davis. Georgia), where supplies can be had in abundance.
K. E. Lee, April 20, } Insufficiency of cavalry in his army, 1863, P a K e 74* t F> a ~ P omts out where cavalry regiments doing vis. nothing can be ordered to him. Fears
disaster from insufficiency of cavalry.
R. E. Lee, May 2, 1863, } If I had all of my command and could page 765, to Davis. keep it supplied with provisions and for-
age I would feel easy.
R. E. Lee, May jth, \ Calls attention to the insufficiency of
1863, page 782, to Da- his cavalry. His army 40,000, Hooker's
vis. 1 20,000 men. Losses at Chancellorsville
heavy. Always so where the inequality
of numbers is so great. Recommends
that troops be brought from the South,
where they have nothing to do, and will
perish from disease and inaction. Bring
Beauregard with them and put him in
command here.
R. E. Lee, May 2oth, \- A. P. Hill, I think upon the whole, is 1863, page 810, to Da- the best soldier of his grade with me. vis.
R. E. Lee, May 30, 1863 \ Requests that the War Department page 832, to Davis. take charge of D. H. Hill's department
of the Cape Fear, and that he be relieved from its supervision. D. H. Hill does not co-operate with him or obey him, or return troops that belong to the Army of Northern Virginia. These delays he fears will leave him nothing to do but to re- treat. Fears that the time has passed when he can take the offensive with ad- vantage.
R. E. Lee, May 30, 1863, \ Recommends that troops be brought page 834., to Seddon. from South Carolina, Georgia, Florida,
Cape Fear Department and James river. Asks to be relieved of the command of the Cape Fear Department.