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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/159

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E. l.. I -.

A. (,. Jenkins 10 \- 1 be^ as a personal lavor that you D. //. /////, June 20, arrange to send my Brigade to join Gen- f>,\ Mnrf<e s /*>e/>o(, eral Lee. I have sent scouts to Suffolk. No enemy, no gunboatv

srral <V. A. Pickett, } Wants his scattered command sent to Btrryi'illc /YXv, /<> him. <r*ra/ A'. //. Chi/-

ton. ./. ./. <v.. ./. N.

Va., June 2f, f86?, page 9/0.

(General Lee to C,cm-ral \ Mo\c with three Brigades into Mary-

/. A. I>. Stuart, June land. (Two Brigades can guard the Blue

22, /86j, />age qrj. Ridge and take care of your rear.) Take

position on General Ewell's right. Place

yourself in communication with him.

One column will move by the Emmetts-

burg route, another by Chambersburg.

iieneral Lee to General \- I think you had better withdraw on

Stuart. June 23, /&*?. this side of the mountain to-morrow

night, cross at Shepardstown the next

day and move over to Fredericktown.

In either case, after crossing the river you

must move on and feel the right of Ewell's

troops, collecting information, provis-

. - ions, &c.

General Lee to Davis, \ Urges withdrawal of troops from Car- 23, 1863, P*g*' olina and Georgia under Beauregard and part at least pushed forward to Culpeper C. H. His presence would give magni- tude to even a small demonstration and tend greatly to confound and perplex the enemy. Good results would follow from sending forward under General Beaure- gard such of the troops about Richmond and North Carolina as could be spared for a short time. The good effect of beginning to assemble an army at Cul- peper C. H. would I think soon become