Seddon, Secretary of War \ Apologises to General Lee, and ex- to General Lee, June plains that the disposition of the troops 9, 1863, page 874. in North Carolina is determined by Presi-
dent Davis.
General R. E, Lee, June } Culpeper C. H. Reports that the en-
9, 186 ?, to Davis, page emy, cavalry, infantry and artillery, have
874. crossed the Rappahannock in force.
Prisoners from two corps captured. Sug-
gests orders to Cooke's Brigade and
Jenkins' Brigade to be sent to Army N.
President Davis, page 8j 4 \ Mr. Davis refers General Lee's dis- Junc 9, f86j. patch to General D. H. Hill as to Jenkins'
and Cooke's Brigades.
Samuel Cooper, A. Gen- . eral, to General D. H.
Hill, June TO, 7863,
page #79.
R. E. Lee to Seddon, June 13, 1863, p. 886.
S. Cooper, A. A. Gen } eral, to D. H. Hill, June 75, 1863, pages 890-891.
Informs General D. H. Hill of General Lee's order as to Cooke's and Jenkins' Brigades, and leaves it to General D. H. Hill's discretion if General Lee's order shall be carried out.
- You can realize the difficulty of oper- ating in an offensive movement with this army if it is to be divided to cover Rich- mond. It seems to me useless to attempt it with the force against it.
Authorizes Hill to retain Jenkins' Brig- ade. Ransom's to Drury's Bluff. Corses' Virginia Brigade, drawn from General Lee's command at Culpeper.
R. E. Lee to General A. P. Hill, June 16, z86j.
\ Informs him that Anderson's Division of his Third Army Corps has reached Cul- peper C. H. Expects another division next day.
Davis to Lee, June igth, } Informs General Lee why a part of his
1863, page 904.. army, " Pickett's Division, Corse's Brig-
ade, has been detained. Jenkins' Brig-
ade deemed necessary by D. H. Hill K>
protect Petersburg."