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This Chapter was well represented in the woman's department at the State Fair in April last.
Representatives of this Chapter assisted in a reception at the St. Charles Hotel, given by the U. C. V. of this city, in honor of the State sponsor anil her maids of honor.
This chapter was hostess at the presentation ceremonies at Memorial Hall, at which was donated the portrait of General Randall Lee" Gibson.
By resolution this chapter contributes one dollar a month to the infirmary at the Soldiers' Home, and in addition had constituted a special committee whose duty it is to receive donations of food, clothing, etc., and dispensing same to inmates of the home.
The following contributions were made by this Chapter:
For purchase of flowers on Decoration day at Camp Chase, $3; towards the Confederate monument at Houston, $i ; in aid of mark- ing graves at Okolona, Miss., $1.25; donated to Memorial Hall, $5; towards Confederate monument at Shreveport, $10; to Beauregard Monumental Association, $10; besides $8. 25 in voluntary contribu tions; to Jeff. Davis Monumental Association, at Richmond, Va., $10; to Forest, at Memphis, Tenn., $5; to Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association to assist in defraying expenses of the removal of the Confederate dead to southern cemeteries; purchased twenty- five Davis calendars in aid to Jefferson Davis monument; on Decora- tion day a floral design was sent to the Ladies' Memorial Association ; to Galveston sufferers, $5.
In addition to the above, this Chapter was the medium through which $5 was sent to Petersburg, Va., in the cause of preserving the old Blandford church, $3 of this amount having been contributed by Mrs. J. B. Richardson, and $2 by Mrs. Andrew Hero. The Chapter continues its subscription to the Confederate Veteran. In accord- ance with the State President, this Chapter contributed a Christmas box to the Soldiers' Home. Regular monthly meetings have been held by this Chapter, which have been well attended, and the Chap- ter was represented by delegates duly elected to the convention which met at Montgomery, Ala. During the year many valuable and interesting relics have been added to the Chapter's case.
Respectfully submitted,
Recording Secretary.