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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/238

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232 Sou I In- rn llixloririil S<H-H' tii /'


Corresponding Secretary, reported that during the year she had written 140 letters, sent out fifty-three application blanks, ordered six- teen certificates of membership, and eight badges. She received ten certificates to order badges from Nashville from National Recording Secretary. Ordered 500 postal cards from A. W. Hyatt, sent eighty- five postals out for each meeting, and as our members increased, the postals increased up to no for our annual meeting, making 935 dur- ing year. Thirty-three members have been elected during the year, and we have now on our roll 133 members. Received from Treas- urer during year $9.70. Express on Confederate calendars, $i; for stamps, $3.70; official paper, $5; total, $9.70.


Treasurer of the Chapter, presented the following able report:

To the Officers and Members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Chapter No. 72, New Orleans, La.: Ladies To-day, January 19, 1901, the anniversary of the birthday of our hero, Robert E. Lee, brings us to the opening of a new Chapter year, and it is meet that we review the work of the year just closed. Our en- tire receipts for the term have been $252.75; our expenses $246.14, with a balance on hand of $6. 61, and a small uncollected amount; and this on very small annual dues. Figures are dry, cold things. and only represent the stern facts of life, but when we turn the pages of this last year's reports and read the sums of these cold figures, and what they have stood for, the earnest, pathetic side of our Chap- ter life is revealed. We are building in a holy cause to the memory of our dead, who wore the gray, and these figures tell us how faith- fully our work has moved onward ; tell us how other Chapters have reached out to us, for material aid, and received it in gifts, repre- sented by figures. Our Soldiers' Home, too, has felt our care. The convention, reception and entertainment of a guest cost $65.55. We paid National and State per capita tax of $23.60. Individual members gave to th<J Beauregard Association $8.25. Our Chapter gifts to the Jefferson Davis and Beauregard Associations; to the Shreveport and Okolona Chapters; to Camp Chase, and the Galves- ton sufferers; to aid in removing our dead to Arlington, and to our own Chapter dead, loving tributes, represent $105.25.