37M Southern JHislorieat Society Papers.
consciousness of justly reverential endeavor, but the salvo of increas- ing results in their sublime efforts.
The confederation of action of their sister memorial bodies can but accelerate realization of holy purpose, in all that may be desired in enduring memorial and in truthful statement.
It cannot be long ere we will have adequate monuments in every worthy locality in the South, attesting the valor and patriotism of the Southern soldier, and the incomparable grace and devotion of the Southern woman.
The following account of the organization of the Confederate Southern Memorial Association has been furnished by Miss Sue H. Walker, Fayetteville, Arkansas, the zealous corresponding secretary of the appealing body.
We gladly give it place in the Southern Historical Society Papers, together with Article II, from the Constitution, as follows:
"SEC. i. The object and purpose of this Association shall be strictly memorial and historical. It will strive to unite in one gen- eral confederation all Southern and Confederate Memorial Associa- tions now in existence or hereafter to be formed.
" SEC. 2. The collection of relics and the preservation of the his- tory of the Confederate soldiers engaged in the war between the States from 1861 to 1865 to instill in the minds of children who are eligible, a proper veneration for the spirit and glory that animated our Confederate soldiers, and the cause for which they fought, and to bring them into association with our organization, that they may aid us in accomplishing our objects and purposes, and finally suc- ceed us, and take up our work when we leave it." EDITOR.]
During the spring of the year 1900, the idea of combining all the Memorial Associations of the South into one united body was con- ceived by Miss Julia A. Garside, Secretary of the Southern Memo- rial Association of Fayetteville, Arkansas. The idea was accepted and carried out by this association. The object being to commem- orate the work already done, to insure its continuance and perpet- uate the name " Southern Memorial Association." Appeals were sent out to all associations whose addresses could be obtained, most cordial responses received, and arrangements made for delegates from each association to meet at the Louisville Reunion United Con- federate Veterans. The success of these plans may be seen from the appended report of the proceedings on this occasion, and subse-