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quent additions to the confi-dcr.ition. We asked in our memorial permission to hold our annual reunions at the- time and place selected by the veterans for theirs. Cordial consent was given, and it is with pride and pleasure we announce that each year we will ni'-ct with them, not to hamprr or discommode by undue numbers, for our constitution limits the number two delegates from each asso- ciation, nor will our meetings be held at their convention hall, but at some convenient place selected by our committee of arrangements. This confederation in nowise conflicts or interferes with the work of the Daughters of the Confederacy. Tho* a distinct organization, many members of the Memorial Association belong to the younger organization also. For the benefit of those unfamiliar with this movement and its object we quote from an article in the New Orleans Picayune of August 4, 1900:
" For the information of associations wishing to join the confed- eration, it may be stated that no individual work of any association will be interfered with by the confederation, no association joining will be required to take up, except voluntarily, any new work; each as- sociation is recognized as a free agent to continue its parent work, and devote itself exclusively, if it so desires, to its own local work. The associations may, or may not indorse any work proposed by the general organization. But the one grand idea of the confederation is to gather all these scattered memorial associations into one con- federated band for the preservation of the history of their glorious work; which after that of the Confederate soldier in marching to the fray, and those who laid down their lives on battlefields for the sake of that most just and holy cause, is the most noble, patriotic and beautiful page written in the heart book of the South."
The following is a report of the organization at Louisville: The first meeting was held in the parlors of the Gait House, May 30. 1900, at 10:30 A. M. Meeting called to order by Miss Sue H. Walker, and its object briefly explained. She then called to the chair Miss Julia A. Garside, who very appropriately opened the meeting with prayer, after which a call was made for credentials and names of delegates from the various Southern States. Answered to their names:
Hollywood Memorial Association, Richmond, Va. Delegate: Mrs. Lizzie Cary Daniel.
Junior Hollywood Memorial Association, Richmond, Va. Dele- gate: Mrs. N. V. Randolph.