380 Southern Historical Society Papers.
Oakwood Memorial Association, Richmond, Va. Delegate: Mrs. David C. Richardson.
The Confederate Memorial Literary Society, Richmond, Va. Delegate: Miss Minnie Baughman.
The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, New Orleans, La. Delegates: Mrs. W. J. Behan, Chairman; Mrs. Joseph R. Davis. Mrs. Lewis Graham, Miss Daisy M. L. Hodgson, Miss Lucy Mar- shall Smith.
The Southern Memorial Association, Fayetteville, Ark. Dele- gates: Mrs. J. D. Walker, Miss Sue H. Walker, Miss Julia A. Garside.
The Ladies' Memorial Association, Petersburg, Va. Delegates: Mrs. W. E. Badger, Mrs. Shelton Cheives.
The Ladies' Memorial and Literary Association of Missouri. Delegates: Mrs. Leroy Valliant, Mrs. Jennie Edwards.
Represented by blanks filled out:
The Warren Memorial Association, Front Royal, Va.
The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, Memphis, Tenn.
The Ladies' Memorial Association, Gainesville, Ala.
The Ladies' Memorial Association of Knoxville, Tenn. Dele- gates: Mrs. S. T. McTeer, Miss Moody White.
It was decided by unanimous vote to enter into an election of offi- cers. Mrs. W. J. Behan was nominated and elected President.
Mrs. Graham then nominated Mrs. Lizzie Pollard, of Fayetteville, Ark., for First Vice- President but a motion was made and carried that all officers be elected from the delegates present, in order that the organization might be perfected before presenting the memorial to the veterans. It was also moved and carried that there be a Vice- President from each State, all equal in authority.
The elections were as follows:
Vice- President from Virginia, Mrs. David C. Richardson; Vice- President, Louisiana, Mrs. Lewis Graham; Vice-President, Tennes- see, Miss Missie Ault; Vice-President, Arkansas, Mrs. J. D. Walker; Vice-President, Missouri, Mrs. Jennie Edwards. Alabama and South Carolina having no delegates present the Presidents of these asso- ciations were selected as Vice- Presidents for those States. The other officers elected are as follows:
Recording Secretary, Miss Daisy L. Hodgson; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Sue H. Walker; Treasurer, Miss Julia A. Garside.
The newly elected President, Mrs. W. J. Behan, was then escorted