386 INDEX.
Cabell, Brig.-Gen. W. L., 160 . Dade, Maj. A. G., 171, 180
Cabin John Bridge, Restoration of Dandridge, Lieut. E. P., 175; Lieut.
Jefferson Davis's name on, 41; P. P., 171
measurements of, 41; Committee Danforth, Capt. Henry D., 163
on, 44 Daniel, Hon. John W., 145, 146, 161;
Calhoun, John C, 244 Capt. R. T., 14, 175
Calloway, Lieut. Wm. G., 161 Darden, Capt. James D., 159
Cameron, Capt. Wm. E., 182 Davey, of Louisiana, R. C, 81, 97
Caperton, Lieut., Geo. H., 161 Davidson, Maj. Henry B., 162; Lieut.
Carlin, Hon. C. C, 87, 79, 115, 145 W. M., 167
Carroll, Lieut. J. Harper, 162 Davis, Jefferson, 365; why he was
Carr, Major W. C. N., 160 never tried, 347; Restoration of
Carter, Col. David M., 166; Major R. name of, on Cabin John Bridge,
H., 159 41-155; Chaplain, Richard, 174
Carthwright, Major S. S., 168 Dearing, Gen. James, 160
Cary, Lieut. Col. John B., 172; Capt. 3eas, Lieut.-Col. Geo., 157
W. M., 157; Capt. D. C, 183; Misses, Deerhound, English Yacht, 34
The 293; John Btune, 294; Wilson Dennv, Major James W., 28
Miles, 293. DeRussy, Capt. C. A., 182
Catlett, Capt. R. H., 161 Derrick, Capt. H. C, 172
Cavalier and Puritan in Revolution Dickinson, Capt. Allen, 171; Lieut.
and Evolution, 376 A. C, 174; Capt. Andrew G., 172
Cavalry, Achievements of Confed- Diggs, Lieut. Chas., 175
erate, 216 Dodge, General, 353
Cavalry, Fourth Virginia, 325 Dodson, W. C, 216
Chancellor Surgeon, Dr. Chas. W., Dorman, Major James B., 182
176 ' Downman, Major R. H., 177
Chambliss, Jr., Brig.-Gen., John Douglas, Lieut. H. T., 172; Major
Randolph, 160 Henry K., 167
Chilton, Brig.-Gen. R. H., 158, 160 Duffield, Capt. C. B., 183
Claggett, Dr. Joseph E., 157 Duncan, Capt. R. J., 173
Clark, Capt. John J., 168 Dunkin, Chancellor, 243
Cochran, Capt. Horace I., 176 Dutch Gap Canal, 2 Coddall, Capt. Samuel S., 1S2
Cole, Col. H.. 168 Early, Gen. Jubal A., 161, 162, 205,
Cole, Lieut.-Col. Robert G., 156 206; Lieut. Robert S., 162
Coles, Surgeon Walter, 183 Echols, Gen. John, 161, 223, 227
Colston, Brig.-Gen. Raleigh E., 160 Edgar, Geo. M., 227
Compton, Surgeon H. M., 179 Eiseman, C. M., S4
Confederate, Generals surviving, 156; Elder, Maj. Thos. C, 177
States FMag, History of, 243; States Eleason, Suregon, Dr. Talcott, 180
Flag, The, 243; States Battle flag, Elhart, Capt. A., 162
293; States America, General Offi- Elzey Camp, U. C. V., 28
cers and their staffs, 156; Soldiers Emmett, Capt. John W., 178
and Sailors, 296: Veterans of Eshleman, Gen. B. F., 135
Maryland, Officers of, 292; Women, Estopinal, Hon. Albert, 153
Inscription for Memorial to, 360; Evans, Gen. Clement A., 44, 92, 102
Woman's Kind Act, 309 Eyster, Capt. Geo. H., 173
Confederates in Chicago Cemetery, Ezekiel, Sir Moses, 221 296; who died in Northern Prisons,
Monument to be erected to at Fairfax, Capt. Raymond, 176; Dr. W.
Point Lookout, 295 H., 174
Conrad, Major Holmes, 178, 221 Farish, Capt. Thos. L., 177
Cook, Major Giles B., 157; Capt. John Farley, Lieut. S. H., 186; Capt. W.
Esten, 180 D., 186
Cooper, Gen. Samuel, 1G0; Capt. Faulkner, Lieut.-Col. Chas. J., 165
James, 168 Federal Generals Surviving, 240
Corley, Lieut.-Col. James L., 156 Ferguson, Maj. James Duque, 170;
Corse, Gen. M. D., 160, 262, 263, 269 Rebecca C, 253
Cosbv, Major Spencer, 113; Major Field, Maj. James G., 164; Capt.
Geo. B., 172 Henry M., 164
Cox, Lieut. Henry M., 173 Finney, Maj. R. H., 163
Crenshaw, Maj. James R., 157 Fitzhugh, Capt. Edward C, 163;
Cresler, Major N. W., 170 Capt. Nicholas, 167, 173
Crook, Gen. George. 223 Flags of United Stages, Preble, 243
Crouch, Dr. R. G., 309 Flowerree, Capt. D. W., 173
Crump, Lieut. James R., 172 Fleet, Lieut. A. Fred., 183
Crutchfield, Col. S., 165 Fletcher, John, 152
Cunningham, Capt. E., 158 Flood, Hon. H. D., 145, 148
Curtis, Chas. T., Supt. and Inspector Flood, Cant. Chas., 176; Gen. John
Cabin John Bridge, 41; Gen. N. M., B., 162
15; Wm. S. C, 43 Floyd, Gen. John B., 176; Capt. Chas.,
Custer, Gen. G. A., 11 162
Fogg, Dr. John H. S., 245
Dabney, Lieut. Chiswell, 180; Major Fontaine. Major Peter. 178, 181, 183;
R. J., 165; Capt. Virginius, 168 Surgeon John B., 180