Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 38.djvu/401

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Forrest, General, 353

Foster, Hon. Murphy J., 44, 85, 91,

167 Fowler, Lieut. W. S., 163 Fraser, Trenholm & Co., 339 Fravser, D. D., Rev. A. M., 360; Capt.

Richard, 180 Freaner, Maj. Geo., 179 Freeman, Jr., D. C., A. D. C, 175 Frost, Dr. F. L., 164 Fry, Capt. Wm., 170

Galize, Capt. John, 157

Gait, Dr. Robert, Assistant Surgeon, 174

Garber, Capt. A. M., .157

Gardner, Col. F., 161

Garland, Jr., Gen. Samuel, 162

Garnett, Capt. J. M., 166; Gen. Rich- ard Brooke, 163; Gen. Robert Sel- den, 159, 163; Capt. Thos. S., 171

Geiger, Lieut. Geo. E., 170 'Generals Surviving, Confederate, 156; Federal, 291

Georgia, Battle Flag of the Third Regiment, 210

Getty, Lieut. Thos., 163

Gettysburg Campaign, 184; unwrit- ten history of, 312

Gibboney. Albert D. D. C, 164

Gibson. Capt. Hart, 161

Gilliam, Maj., 171

Gill, Lieut. -Col. Wm. G., 157

Gillespie, Maj. Geo. L., 17!>

Gilmore, Major Harry, on Battle of .New Market, 227

Gist, Governor, 244

Glass, Hon. Carter, 145, 147

Glasscock, Wm. A., 293

Goggin, Maj., J. M., 172

Goldsborough, Lieut., R. H., 180

Gonzales, Editor W. E., 359

Gordon, Capt. G. H., 177; Gen. John B., 162

Grady, Capt. C. Powell, 171

Grant, Gen. U. S., 223

Gray, Mrs. Sallie P., 44, 4.8

Gregorv, Maj. W. F. C, 1S3

Green, Lieut., 373; Maj. B. H., 162; Maj. James W., 170; Dr. James C, 174

Griffin, Serg't-Major Samuel, 174

Griswold, Lieut. J. C, 163

Groveton, Battle of, Reports of Va. regiments at, 262

Guild, Dr. Lafayette, 157

Guion, Lewis, 110; Address of, 149

Gwathmey, Maj. Chas. B., 178

Hagan, Lieut. Henry, 180

Hairston, Maj. J. W. I., 180; Capt. S.

H., 180 Hale, Jr., Major Samuel, 161 Halleck, Maj. -Gen. H. W., 223, 234,

235; order of Gen., to Gen Hunter,

235 Halsey, Capt. Don P., 162 Hampton, Gen. Wade, 179 Hanger, Major J. Marshall, 180 Hannah, Lieut. Geo. B.. 167 Hardawav, Mrs. Thos., 340 Hardie, Gen.. 168 Harmon, Maj. J. A., 158, 162, 165 Harper's Ferry, 372 Harris, Hon. S. W., 379 Harrison, Lieut. Geo. E., 181; Maj.

Harry H., 164; Capt. Randolph,

160; Lieut. Thos. R., 163; Lieut.-

Col. Walter, 176 Hart, Maj. C. S., 171 Harvie, Capt. Chas. Irving, 183; Col.

E. J., 158, 168; Maj. W. W., 177 Harvey, Capt. James A., 245 Hatcher, Lieut. Charles, 175 Hatcher's Run, 175 Hawks, Maj. W. J., 162 Hawthorne, Cap... B. J., 159 Haxall, Capt. Philip, 159, 177 Hay, James, 145, 147 Hayes, Mrs. J. Addison, 138 Havs, Capt. James, 158 Havwood, Lieut. F. M., 162; Lieut. -

Col. Geo. A., 179 Heath, Capt. Roscoe B„ 159 Heaton, Lieut. H., 161 Hemphill, J. C, 68 Henderson, Maj. Findlay, 1S3: Lieut.

Fenton M., 160; Col. G. T. R., 268;

Mrs. Lizzie Geo., 4 4, 4 8 Herbert, Col., 368; Maj. W. H„ 159;

Camp, U. C. V., James R., 28 Herndon, Dr. James C, 157 Heth, Brig.-Gen. Henry, 163, 176, 191;

Capt. Stockton, 163 Hicks, Governor, Thomas H., 319 Hill, Gen. A. P., 164; Capt. Frank T.,

164: at Gettvsburg, 190, 191; Maj.

E. B., 164; Gen. D. H., 181; Lieut.

Thos. R., 293; Maj. Thomas, 171 Hinton, Capt. W. E., 160 Hodgson, Daisy M. L„ 138 Holcome, Capt. J. R., 177; Maj. E. L.,

1S1 Holmes, Mrs. Geo. S., 44 Hood, Gen. John B., 312, 315; Maj.

John J., 116 Hooe, Capt. Philip B., 160 Hooker, Gen. Joseph, 188, 189, 194,

199; at Gettysburg, 189 Home, Stonecutter, Capt. James B.,

121. 129, 152 Hotchkiss, Major John, 162 Howard, Maj. Chas., 171; Maj. Con-

wav R„ 164 Hubbard, (Dr.) Maj.. H. H., 164 Hudgins. Lieut. B. F., 177 Hullehen. Capt. W. Q., 180 Hungerford, Maj. P. C, 164 Hunter, Andrew, Home of, burned,

235; General David. 224, 235; Maj.

Robert W., 167, 221; Jr., Lieut.

James, 171 Hunton, Gen. Eppa, 163, 165 Hutton, Wm. R., 42 Hyllested, Maj. W., 172

Imboden, Gen. J. D., 165, 223, 225 Ironmonger, Capt. F. M., 173 Irving, Maj. Chas. R., 16 Ives, Capt. Jos. E., 158

Jackson, Maj., A. H., 165; Col. James, 165; Lieut.-Col. Wm. Lother, 166

Jackson, Stonewall, by Col. Hender- son, Review of, 268; his reply to Bee, "We will give them the bay- onet," 274: his farewell address, 284; in the Civil War, 268; Gen. Thos. J., 165, 167, 172, 373

Jackson's Vallev Campaign, 327

Jarrett, Dr. M. L., 28

Jenkins, Gen. Albert G., 167, 222; Lieut. Geo. G., 166; Maj. Thos. J., 173