Colour of the Hair.
1. White signifies great frigidity or cold, as may be seen in old men; but many people after much sickness, or trouble of mind, will on a sudden find their hair turn grey or white, as also after a fright or disappointment a French Officer, aged 23, on a sudden received sentence of death: the news had such an effect on him, that before morning his hair was changed to milk white.
2. Black hair shows a person very amorous, but cruel and ungenerous.
3. Hair the colour of gold shows a treacherous person, arbitrary and proud.
4. Dark hair has the same signification. The perspiration of a red haired person is disagreeable.
5. Chestnut coloured hair, or dark brown, denotes a fair, just, and liberal person.
The Beard.
1. A thin soft beard shows a person lustful, effeminate, of a tender body, fearful and inconstant.
2. A red beard denotes the person courteous and friendly, a great flatterer and soon angry.
3. A dark beard is good, yet it denotes a person to be cordial, sincere thoughtful and bold.
4. He that hath a decent beard, handsome and thick of hair, is good-natured and reasonable.
The Chin.
1. A long chin denotes the person angry, and importunate in the use of words.