2. A little chin shows inveterace and malice.
3. A round and thin chin is not manly, but womanish, and signifies boldness and much pride.
4. A square chin is manly, and denotes much courage and strength of body; and such persons are commonly given to words.
5. A round chin and dimpled shows good nature but much addicted to pleasure.
6. A lean wrinkled chin, represents a cold, impotent, and malicious person.
The Eye-brows and Eye-lids.
1. A person having much, and long hair on the eye-brows, and both join across the nose, is a very simple person, but conceited in his own opinion.
2. When the eye-brows are short and narrow, denotes the man good natured and reasonable.
The Neck
1. He or she that has a long neck, is of a simple nature, not secret, fearfully, unlearned, a glutton, a great drinker in general.
2. He that hath a neck short and small is wise, but deceitful, secret, constant, discreet, yet passionate and a genius.
5. A neck inclined to the right side, denotes prudence, generosity, and curious in studies: but inclined to left side, declares vice and impudence.
The Eyes.
1. Great eyes denotes a slothful and lying person, of a rustic and coarse mind.