Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 6.djvu/21

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Contents of Volume VI
To President Roosevelt, September 21st 440
“What poor comedians some of those high potentates are!”—“The real leadership will easily fall to you as it should, and I trust that you will take it resolutely.”
To Green B. Raum, November 29th 441
Unwilling to join with those seeking an increase in war pensions.
To Enos Clarke, January 11th 441
A serious accident—Schurz's tribute to Doctor Preetorius—Busy with his memoirs.
To Erving Winslow, February 20th 443
Better let the young Filipinos go ahead by themselves—A growing public opinion in favor of Philippine independence.
From Ex-President Cleveland, March 21st 444
Thanks for Schurz's congratulations and continued good-will.
To —— (Unknown), April 8th 444
The friendship between the United States and Germany—The cause of discordant voices—The way to prevent any possibility of war between the two nations.
Index 447