oppression bub be asked them to believe sincerely that these were his feelings.
Tbey bad alao honoured Mrs, Gandhi as the wife of the greab Gandhi. He bad no knowledge of the great Gandhi bub be oould say that she oould tell them more about) the sufferings of women who rushed with babies to tbe jail and who bad now joined the majority, tban be could.
In conclusion, Mr. Gandhi appealed to them to accept tbe services of himself and his wife, for be said they bad come bo render suob service as God would enable them to do so. They had not come to receive big entertainments like that because they did not think they were worthy of such presents, Ho felt they would only spoil them if ever by suob action a thought crossed their minds that they had done something to deserve suoh a big tamasha made in their honour. He, however, thanked them on behalf of his wife and himself most sincerely for the great honour done to them that afternoon and be hoped to receive the whole country in their endeavour to serve the Motherland. Hitherto, he said, they bad known nobbing of his failures. All the news that they bad received related to his successes. Here they would now see them in the naked light, and would see their faults, and anticipating suob faults and failures, be asked them to overlook them, and with that appeal, be said, they as bumble servants would commence tbe service of their country.
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