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Page:Speeches And Writings MKGandhi.djvu/202

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In reply to the Welcome Address read by Mr. G. A* Natesan on behalf of the Indian South African League, at a meeting at the Victoria Public Hall, Madras, on the 21st April, 1915, with Dr. Sir Subramania Iyer in the Chair, Mr, Qdndhi said :

Mr. Chairman and Friends, On behalf of my wife and myself I am deeply grateful for fahe great honour bhab you here iu Madras, and, may I say, this Presidency, have dona do us and the affection bhab has been lavished upon us in thia great) and enlightened nob benighted Presidency.

If bhere is anything bhat we have deserved, as baa been abated in this beautiful address, I oan only say I lay ib at bha feet) of my Masber under whose inspiration I hava been working all this time under exile in South Africa. (Hear, hear). In 30 far as bhe senbimenba expressed in bhia address are merely prophefaic, Sir, I accept them as a bles- sing and as a prayer from you and from bhis greab meeting fchab both my wife and I myself may possess the power, fche inclination, and bha life bo dedicate whatever we may de- velop in bhis sacred land of ours to the service of the Mobherland. (Cheers). Ib is no wonder bhab we haveooma to Madras. As my friend, Mr. Nabesan, will perhaps boll you, we have been overdue and we have neglected Madras. But we have done nothing of the kind. We know that we had a corner in your hearts and we knew that you will nob misjudge us if we did nob hasten to Madras before going bo the obher presidencies and bo other towns. * * * But, Sir, if one-tenth of the

language that has been used in this address ia deserved by us, what language do you propose So use for those who

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