Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/226

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certainly wouldn't go into pictures even if I filmed like Auburn Six and Imperia Starling combined.

When he made an appointment his parting words were: Don't wear white if you got anything else.

I chuckled to myself. There wasn't a trick of photography or make-up I hadn't studied.

So you made a test? Ambrose inquired.

Yes, and it was so successful that Hallam wept when I persisted that it would be quite impossible for me to join his troupe, but in the end, she concluded, I allowed myself to be persuaded.

And now, she said, as the car stopped before the Ambassador, why don't you come over to my bungalow and tell me your story while you drink a cocktail?

My story isn't very interesting, he lied. I just came out here and L.L.B. engaged me.

That's what surprised me, she remarked, as they walked under the pergola towards the bungalow. I thought surely Herbert Ringrose would get you for Invincible.

Ambrose had nothing to say on this subject, but as she turned into the walk which led to Siesta, he demanded in amazement, Do you live here?

Yes, upstairs.