Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/227

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I live here too, he said in great excitement.

He was still more amazed to observe that she did not find anything unusual in this statement. Without replying, she guided him to her room on the second floor, a room too full of French dolls and framed photographs to suit her personality, he thought.

She answered his unspoken criticism: I rented this hideous place just as it is. It's Bernice Laly's apartment. She's in Europe. I guess it will do till I find something of my own. So far I've been too busy to look. Why, I haven't even got a mama yet!

Ambrose grinned. Going to get one? he inquired.

Of course. You can't be a film star and live without a mama—unless you get married. Maybe my own mother will come out. If not, I'll find something, and it'll be good too.

Does your family know you are in the movies?

No. I haven't told 'em yet. You see, I'm doing a small part with Dick Ruby, Hallam directing. I'm not a star yet. I may be rotten. I want to see how the picture turns out. They might cut me out altogether. They do that sometimes.

I don't believe they'll do it to you.

Neither do I.