Of another Way of Praying.
ANOTHER most perfect way of praying is, by placing one's self in the Presence of God by an effort of thought, without any words, darting towards Him now and then a sigh, turning our eyes towards Him with a heart full of desires to please Him, and with a swift and ardent desire that He would help us to love Him simply, to honour, and serve Him; or else, with the desire that He would grant us the grace which we had sought from Him in our previous prayers.
Of the Fourth Aid of the Human Will.
THE fourth succour of our. will is Divine Love, which so aids and fortifies it, that there is nothing which it cannot do, and no passion or temptation which it cannot overcome.
The way to obtain it is by praying for it, and frequently seeking it from God; and by meditation—meditating on those points, which are calculated, by the grace of God, to inflame it in