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Once more I say to you—fly! for you are as tow. Trust not to being moistened, as it were, with the water of a good and strong purpose, and a resolution rather to die than to offend God; for by frequent excitement, the heat of the fire will gradually dry up the water of your good purpose, and, when you least expect it, will so attack you, that no respect will be left for friends or kindred, no fear of God, no regard for life or reputation, nor for all the pains of Hell. Therefore fly! fly! if indeed you would avoid being overtaken, made prisoner, and slain.

Secondly, avoid idleness, and be watchful and active, engaged with the thoughts and deeds suitable to your state of life.

Thirdly, never rebel against the will of superiors, but obey readily, doing promptly all that they bid you; and the more willingly obey those who humble you, and who are most opposed to your natural will and temperament.

Fourthly, beware of rashly judging your neighbour, and especially in regard to this sin; and if his fall be evident, show him pity rather than indignation, and do not despise him; try rather to gather from his fall the fruits of lowliness and self-knowledge, acknowledging yourself to be dust and nothing; draw near to God in prayer, and avoid more carefully than ever any