intercourse, which may bring with it even the shadow of danger.
For if you are ready to judge and despise another, God will correct you to your cost, and will permit you to fall into the same fault, that you may be convinced of your pride; that, by such a humiliation, you may at the same time find the remedy for both these sins.
And, even if you do not fall into this sin, remember, that, unless you put away this sin of rash judgment, your state will still be one to be much concerned about.
Fifthly and lastly, take heed, lest, when you are favoured with some spiritual sweetness and delight, you fall into the snare of a certain vain complacency, and imagine yourself to be something, and that your enemies are no longer able to attack you, because you entertain towards them such a feeling of disgust, hatred, and loathing. If you are put off your guard in this manner, you will easily fall.
2. During the time of temptation, find out whether it arises from inward or outward causes.
By outward, I mean such things as curiosity of the eyes and ears, indulgence in fine dress, habits, and conversations which stir up this vice.
The remedies in such cases are modesty and decency, guard of the eyes and ears from what