Page:Stanwood Pier--Crashaw brothers.djvu/151

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“Mother,” Edward entreated, don’t be an old silly!”

She answered with the low laugh that he loved, and sat caressing his hand.

“I hope you won’t mind,” he said. “I’ve invited Francis Keating and Joe Lawrence to come in and dine with us to-night; you know, they’re about my best friends.”

“Of course we want to meet your friends, Edward; I’m glad you invited the boys.”

She could not help being glad, for Keating and Lawrence revealed to her sympathetic eyes the most devoted affection and admiration for Edward; and besides that, their appreciation of the hotel food was so appealing!

“Just think!” exclaimed Lawrence, after acknowledging that he would like a second plate of ice-cream, “this is the night for corned-beef hash, Edward!”

“And prunes,” Keating reminded him.

“The worst of it is, I can’t stuff myself the way you fellows can,” complained Edward. “I have to row to-night.”

He kept looking anxiously at his watch, and