Page:Stanwood Pier--Crashaw brothers.djvu/152

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the moment they had finished dinner he hurried them out of the hotel and into a carriage. He himself sat on the box with the coachman; and so during the drive to the School Lawrence and Keating were able to carry on their eulogy of him without embarrassment or interference.

“He’s about the best-liked fellow in our form,” said Lawrence.

“He’s one of the most popular fellows in the whole school,“ declared Keating.

“He’s never stood at the head of his class,” observed Mr. Crashaw.

“Oh, Keat here always has that place cinched,” answered Lawrence.

“I’d be glad to change with Edward if I could do the things he can!”

The wistful, honest admiration in Keating’s voice touched Mr. Crashaw, and he made no other jocularly disparaging comment about his son.

When Mr. and Mrs. Crashaw were seated in the front rank of the spectators in the gymnasium and Edward had gone to dress