Page:Stars of the Desert.djvu/49

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She blushed to wear the gipsy's robes,
And yet they seemed to bring
A subtle sweetness to her soul,
Since well they knew the king.

And "Ah," she said, "I love him so,
I tremble with delight;
Would that I knew the gipsy's spell
To charm him through the night!"

Then to her rival's bower she went,
(Who far, unconscious, lay,)
And waited in a flush of joy
Till he should pass that way.

He came in all his jewelled state,
His dagger by his side,
The philtre filled him with desire
Fierce to be satisfied.

His youth and beauty changed her love
To passion at its best,
And round his neck she wound her arms
And took him to her breast.

She was so sweet, she loved so well,
Before the night was past,
He murmured, "Ah, my gipsy queen,
Thou lovest me at last!"