Page:Stars of the Desert.djvu/50

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The watchful woman by the door
Waited in hope and fear,
Praying the Gods that all go well
For her she held so dear.

And when the night had somewhat waned,
And sleep had closed his eyes,
"Presence," she said, "Unclasp thine arms
And bid thy lover rise."

The little Rani held him close
And smiling answered low,
"My lover is so sweet to me
I cannot let him go."

And once again she came to warn;
The Rani begged reprieve,
"Love is so sweet and new to me
How can I let him leave?"

A third time came the handmaiden,
Sleep weighted both their eyes,
The Rani sighed, "I love him so,
I cannot bid him rise!"

Thus all three slept until the dawn
Rose tremulous and clear,
And soon the sunlight through the room
Pierced like a golden spear.