372–379; Lodge, Cabot, 366–407 in passim; Quincy, Life of Josiah Quincy, 120–130, 138–165, 171–186; Writings of Jefferson [Ford's ed.], IX, 20Z, 227, 235–239, 244, 248–250; X, 352–354, 356; consult Channing and Hart's Guide, § 171; MacDonald's Documents, 176, 177.
16. Extract from the Answer of the Senate, January, 1809.
Resolves of Massachusetts (1809), 231–235.May it please Your Honour,
The people of New England perfectly understand the distinction between the Constitution and the Administration. They are as sincerely attached to the former as any section of the United States. They may be put under the ban of the empire, but they have no intention of abandoning the Union. And we have the pleasure explicitly to declare our full concurrence with your Honour, "that such suggestions are not less a libel upon the great body of the New England people, than on their patriotism."
As the government of the Union is a confederation of equal and independent states with limited powers, we agree with your Honour "that it is not unbecoming any member of the Union with firmness and moderation to question the justness or policy of measures while they are pending and ripening for adoption," and we learn with concern from your Honour, "that there are stages when questions"—without even excepting questions involving unalienable rights—"can be no longer open to controversy and opposition"—"stages when an end must be put to debate and a decision thence resulting be respected by its prompt and faithful execution, or government loses its existence and the people are ruined." * * * We owe it to ourselves and to the people distinctly to deny this doctrine, at once novel and pernicious.
We beg leave to observe, that those rights, which the people have not chosen to part with, should be exercised by them with delicacy—only in times of great danger—not with "distraction and confusion"—not to oppose the laws, but to prevent acts being respected as laws, which are unwarranted by the commission given to their rulers. On such occasions, passive submission,