The following are the statistics of the beetroot sugar manufacture in the Zollgebiet : —
Number of Factories
Beetroot used in Metric Tons
Production in Metric Tons
No. of Kgs.
Beetroot to
produce 1
Kg. of Sugar
Raw Sugar
1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97
405 405 397 399
9,811,940 10,644,352 14,521,030 11,672,816 13,721,601
1,171,843 1,316,665 1,766,805 1,537,522 1,738,885
241,805 279,299 347,090 328,463 342,322
8-35 8-10 8-23 7-63 7-72
The total amount of refined sugar produced in 1896-7, was 1,004,454 tons ; in 1895-96, 1,084,395 tons ; in 1894-95, 989,862 tons ; in 1893-94, 817,522 tons; in 1892-93, 765,455 tons.
In 1896-97 there were 22 manufactories of sugar from starch which yielded 6,314 tons of dry sugar, 34,875 tons of syrup, and 4,183 tons of colour.
The following table shows the quantity of beer brewed within the customs district at various periods. The Beer-excise district {Braustcucrcjehiet) includes all the States of the Zollgebiet, with the exception of Bavaria, Wlirttemberg, Baden, and Alsace-Lorraine, in each of which the excise is separately collected. The amounts are given in thousands of hectolitres (1 hectolitre = 22 gallons) : —
Excise Dist.
Wiirttera- berg
Alsace- Lorraine
1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 ^896-97
34,385 33,974 37,733 38,357
15,104 15,025 15,186 16,034 16,198
3,750 3,478 3,493 3,885 3,795
1,714 1,710 1,728 1,914 2,192
907 869 997 937
54,651 55,505 55,250 60,563 61,479
The total number of j^ctive breweries in the Beer-excise district was in 1896-97, 7,682 ; 1895-96, 7,847 ; in 1894-95, 8,029 ; in 1893-94, 8,243 ; 1892-93, 8,460. The amount brewed per head of the population in 1896-97 was in littres (1 litre = 1 76 imperial pint) : — the Excise district 92, Bavaria 276, Wiirttemberg 181, Baden 126, Alsace-Lorraine 57. The average annual consumption per head of the population of the entire Zollgebiet for the twenty years 1877-97, was 97 litres or 21 gallons. In 1896-97, there were 62,108 distilleries in operation, which produced 3,101,000 hectolitres of ^Icohol.
The commerce of the Empire is under the administration and guidance of special laws and rules, emanating from the Zollverein, or Customs League, which, since October 15, 1888, embraces practically the whole of the states of Germany, the towns of IJamburg and Bremen, with one or two other small places,