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representative ministers, of the various parts of the Empire. The con- stitution of the ' Imperial War Cabinet' in 1917 may be taken as a formal recognition of the equality of status between the various responsible govern- ments of the Empire. Continuity in the work of this Cabinet was secured by giving in July, 1918, the Prime Minister of each Dominion the right to nominate a Cabinet Minister, either as a resident or a visitor in London, to represent him at the meetings of the Cabinet held between the plenary sessions

A meeting of Prime Ministers has been summoned for June, 1921, to act on the lines of the Imperial War Cabinet, to deal with urgent problems of common interest.

In June, 1918, a 'Standing Committee of Home Affairs' was formed from among the political heads of Departments, whose function was to consider questions of internal policy and such domestic questions as required the co- operation of more than one Department, or were of such importance that they would otherwise have called for the consideration of the War Cabinet. Its decisions were circulated to, and, when necessary, revised by, the War Cabinet.

In October, 1919, the 'War Cabinet' and the Home Affairs Committee were dissolved, and a full Cabinet of about twenty members re-constituted.

The head of the Ministry is the Prime Minister, a position first constitu- tionally recognised, and special precedence accorded to the holder, in 1905. No salary is attached to the office of Prime Minister, as such, and it is usually held in conjunction with some other high office of State, generally that of First Lord of the Treasury. His colleagues in the Ministry are appointed on his recom- mendation, and he dispenses the greater portion of the patronage of the Crown.

The present Government (appointed January, 1919) consists of the following members :

(a) The Cabinet.

1. Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury. — Right Hon. D. Lloyd George, O.M., born 1863; M.P. for Carnarvon District since 1890. Presi- dent of the Board of Trade, 1905-8; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1908-1915; Minister of Munitions, 1915-16; Secretary of State for War, July to December, 1916. Present appointment, December, 1916.

2. Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons. — Right Hon. Austen Chamberlain, born in 1863; Postmaster-General, 1902-3; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1903-5, and 1919-21; Secretary of State for India, 1915-17; member of War Cabinet, 1918-19. Present appointment, March, 1921.

5, Lord President of the Cotincil.-B.ight Hon. A. J. Balfour, O.M., F.R.S., born 1848; President, Local Government Board, 1885-86; Secretary for Scotland, 1886-87; Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1887-91; Leader of the House of Commons, 1891-92 and 1895-1905; Prime Minister, 1902-1905; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1915-16; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1916-19. Present appointment, October, 1919.

4. Chancellor of the Exchequer.— Right Hon. Sir Robert S. Home, G B.E., K.C., born 1871; Minister of Labour, 1919-20; President of Board of Trade, 1920-21. Present appointment, April, 1921.

5. Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland.— Right Hon. Viscount Fitz Alan of Dei went, G.C.V.O., D.S.O., born 1855. Present appointment, April, 1921.

5. (aliter) Chief Secretary for Ireland.— Col. Right Hon. Sir Hamar Greenwood, Bart, &C. : , born 1870. Present appointment, April, 1920.

6. Lord Chancellor. — Right lion. Lord /Hrkenhtad, born 1872; Solicitor- general and Attorney-General, 1915. Present appointment, January, 1919. ■y. 7. Secretary of State for the Home Department.— Right Hon. Edward Shortt, K.C., born 1862; Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1918. Present appointment,