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8. Secretary of Stale for Foreign Affair*.— Right Hon. Earl Curzon of Kedleston, . K-, bora 1859 ; Lord Privy Seal, May, 1915, to December, 1916; Lord President of the Council, 1*16-19. Present appointment, October, 1919.

9. Secretary of S fate for the Colonies. — Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill, born 1 lent, Board of Trade, 1908-10 ; ^Ury, 1910-11 ; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1911-15; Chance J of Lancaster 1915-17 ; Minister of Munitions, 1917- T for War and Air, 1919-21. Present appointment, February, 1921.

10. Secretary oj State for War. — Right Hon. Sir L. TVorthington-Etans, born 1868. Minister without portfolio, 1920-21. Present ap]

ment, February, 1921.

11. Secretary of State for India.— Right Hon. E. 3. Montagu, born 1879 :

. 1916. Presen- of the Admiralty.— Right Hon. Lord Let of Fareham, G.B.E., K.C.B, born 1868. Minister of Agriculture, 1C< resent

appointment, February, 1921.

13. Secretary for Scotland.— Right Hon. Robert Munro, K.C., born 1868 ; Lord Advocate, 1913-16. Present appoints.

14. President of the Board of Trade.— Right Hon. Stanley Ball win, bora 1867. 1'resent appointment, April, 1921.

15. Minister r,f Jfrakh. 1 — Right Hon. Sir Alfred Mond, Bart., born IMS.

i.issioner of Works, 1916-21. Present appointment, April, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries.*— Right Hon. Sir A. Griffith- Boscawen, born 1865. Present appointment, February, 1921.

17. President of the Board of Education.— 1... Herbert A. L.

Fisher, born 1865. Present appointment since 1916.

Minister of Labour. — Right Hon. T. J. Macnamara, LL.D., born 1861. Present appointment, March, \

19. Minister of Transport. 1 — Right Hon. Sir Eric Campbell Geddes, .:., G.B.E., born 1876 ; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1917-19. Present

appointment, September, 1919.

20. Attorney-General.— Right Hon. Sir Gordon Hevoart, I. 1870 ; Solicitor-General, 1916-19. Present appointment January, 1919.

21. — Minister without Portfolio. — Right Hon. Christopher Addison, M. D., born 1869 ; Minister of Munitions, 1916-17 ; Minister in Charge of Reconstruction, 1917-19; Minister of Health, 1019-21. Present appoint- ment, April, 1921.

(b) Other Ministers.

Secretary of State for Air. — Capt. the Right Hon. F. C.B.E., D.S.O., bora 1875.

Minister of Pensions.— Right Hon. J. I. Macpherson, K.C., bora 1880.

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. — Right Hon. Viscount Peel, G.B.E., born 1867.

Director of Overseas Trade Department. — Major Sir P. Lloyd-Greame, K.B.E., M.C.

First Commissioner of Works. — Right Hon. The Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, born 1871.

1 The Ministry of Health was established for England and W«  tinder the Ministry of Health Act, 1919, and replaced or absorbed th<- Board and the National Health Insurance < onrmigjions. In Ireland, the Chief Secretary becomes Minister of Health, and acts Kith the advice and assistance of an Health Council." A corresponding Board of Health was estabi. Jane.

1919, under the Scottish Board of Health Act, 1919.

  • The Board was converted into a Ministry under the Ministry of Agriculture and

Fisheries Act, 1919. The Ministry covers only England and Wales.

  • The Ministry of Transport is a new department established in September, 1919,

under the Ministry of Transport Act, 1919.