Page:Statutes of Canada, Victoria 31, Part 1.djvu/80

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Cap. 5.
Collection of the Revenue, &c.
31 Vict.

officers are necessary, & collecting, managing or accounting for the Revenue, and in carrying into effect the laws thereunto relating, or for preventing any contravention of such laws, and may assign their names of office, and such salaries or pay for their labour and responsibility in the execution of the duties of their respective offices and employments, as to the said Governor in Council seems reasonable and necessary, and may appoint the times and manner in which the same shall be paid; Proviso as to salaries.But no such officer so appointed shall receive a higher annual salary than is allowed in his case by any Act of the Parliament of Canada, respecting the Civil Service generally, then in force, nor shall any such salary be paid until voted by Parliament.

No fees allowed.3. The salary or pay allowed to any such officer or person as aforesaid shall be in lieu of all fees, allowances or emoluments of any kind whatsoever, except actual and authorized disbursements, shares of seizures, forfeitures and penalties; Officers to give their whole time.And no such officer or person, receiving a salary at or exceeding the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, shall exercise any other calling, profession, trade or employment whatsoever, with a view to derive profit therefrom, directly or indirectly, or shall hold any other office of profit whatsoever, Exception.except in either case, with the express permission of the Governor General in Council.

Exemption from certain services.4. No officer or person regularly employed in the collection or management of the Revenue, or in accounting for the same, shall, while he remains such officer or so employed, be compelled to serve in any other public office or in any municipal or local office, or on any jury or inquest, or in the militia.

Oath of office.5. Every person appointed to any office or employment relative to the collection or management of the Revenue, or in accounting for the same, shall, at his admission to such office or employment, take the following oath, before such officer as the Governor may appoint to receive the same, that is to say:

Form.“I, A. B., do swear to be true and faithful in the execution, to the best of my knowledge and power, of the trust committed to my charge, by my appointment as , and that I will not require, take or receive any fee, perquisite, gratuity or reward, or emolument whether pecuniary or of any other sort or description whatever, either directly or indirectly, for any service, act, duty, matter or thing done or performed or to be done or performed in the execution or discharge of any of the duties of my said office or employment, on any account whatever, other than my salary, or what shall be allowed me by law, or by order of the Governor of this Dominion in Council.—So help me God.”

Governor in Council to divide Canada6. The Governor in Council may, from time to time, make all such divisions of the Dominion into ports, revenue
