Page:Statutes of Canada, Victoria 31, Part 1.djvu/81

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Colection of the Revenue, &c.
Cap. 5.

into Ports, districts, &c., for Revenue purposes and make regulations.districts or otherwise, as may be required with regard to the collection or management of the Revenue,—and may assign the officers or persons by whom any duty or service relative to any such purpose shall be performed within or for any such district or division, and the place or places within the same, where such duty or service shall be performed,—and may make all such regulations concerning such officers and persons, and the conduct and management of the business to them entrusted, as are consistent with the law, and as he deems expedient for carrying it into effect, in the manner best adapted to promote the public good; And any general regulation or order made by the Governor in Council for any purpose whatever for which an order or regulation may be so made under the provisions of this Act, shall apply to each particular case within the intent and meaning of such general regulation or order, as fully and effectually as if the same had been made with reference to such particular case, and the officers, functionaries or parties concerned had been specially named therein:

Proof of Regulations.2. A printed copy of any regulation or order of the Governor in Council, printed by the Queen's Printer, or a written copy thereof attested by the signature of the Clerk of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, shall be evidence of such regulation or order; And any order in writing, signed by the Secretary of State for Canada, and purporting to be written by command of the Governor, shall be received in evidence as the order of the Governor.

Officers employed to be deemed the proper officers.7. Every person employed on any duty or service relating to the collection or management of the Revenue, by the orders or with the concurrence of the Governor in Council, shall be deemed to be the proper officer for that duty or service; And every act, matter or thing required by any law in force to be done or performed by, to, or with any particular officer nominated for that purpose in such law, being done or performed by, to, or with any person appointed or authorized by the Governor in Council to act for or in behalf of such particular officer, shall be deemed to be done or performed by, to or with such particular officer:

As to place at which any duty is to be performed.2. And every act, matter or thing required by any law at any time in force, to be done or performed at any particular place within any port, or within any other such district or division of the Dominion as aforesaid, being done or performed at any place within such port, district or division, appointed by the Governor in Council, for such purpose, shall be deemed to be done or performed at the particular place so required by law.

Officers of one service may be8. Any officer or person employed in the collection, management or accounting for any branch of the Revenue, may be
