Page:Steadfast Heart.djvu/64

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colm Crane’s stumbling argument and to Browning’s statement that he had no argument to make, and followed the deputy to the room set aside for their deliberations. Presently a rap sounded from within and the jury filed into the courtroom and stood before the judge.

“Have you selected a foreman?” he asked.

William Bowman stepped forward a pace.

“Have you arrived at a verdict?”

“We have.”

“Guilty or not guilty?”

“Not guilty.”

“So say you all?”

“So say we all,” repeated the twelve men in unison, but their words were drowned in the clamor of the spectators—a clamor of cheers and sobs.

For an instant Malcolm Crane eyed the boy malevolently, sinking deep into his heart a grudge. This child had wronged him, had cheated him…. Hatred of Angus Burke was born then, to live so long as Crane’s life should last…. Angus continued to sit silent and motionless in his chair. He was bewildered, without comprehension of what had happened, without understanding that he was now free—just as he had been without full understanding of why he had been imprisoned…. He waited phlegmatically for what unpleasantness was to