Page:Storys of Prince Lupin (1).pdf/19

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himself on the shore; and, as he was one day invoking the powers of the sea, he heard a voice, and presently after was surprised with the appearance of a Mermaid, which, coming up with a pleasant smile, spoke these words:---"O King of the Golden Mines, I well know all that has passed in regard to you and the fair princess. Don’t suspect this to be a contrivance of the fairy’s to try you, for I am an inveterate enemy both to her and the Yellow dwarf; therefore, if you will have confidence in me, I will lend you my assistance to procure the release not only of yourself, but of All-Fair also." The overjoyed king promised to do whatever the Mermaid bade him; whereupon, setting him upon her tail, they sailed away on a rolling sea.

When they had sailed some time, "Now," said the Mermaid to the king, "we drew near the place where your princess is kept by the Yellow Dwarf. You will have many enemies to fight before you can come to her; take, therefore, this sword, with which you may overcome every thing, provided you never let it go out of your hand." The king returned her all the thanks that the most grateful heart could suggest; and the Mermaid landed and took leave of him,

promising him farther assistance when necessary.