Page:Storys of Prince Lupin (1).pdf/20

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The king boldly advanced, and meeting with two terrible sphinxes, laid them dead at his feet with his sword. Next he attacked six dragons that opposed him, and despatched them also.Then he met with four and twenty nymphs, with garlands of flowers, at sight of whom he stopped, being loath to destroy so much beauty; when he heard a voice say, "Strike! strike! or you will lose your princess for ever!" upon which he threw himself in the midst of them, and soon dispersed them. He now came in view of All-Fair, and, hastening to her, exclaimed, "O my princess, behold your faithful lover!” But she, drawing back, replied, "Faithful lover! Did I not see you passing through the air with a beautiful nymph? Were you faithful then?" "Yes," replied the king, "I was. That was the detested Desert Fairy, who was carrying me to a place where I must have languished out all my days, had it not been for a kind Mermaid, by whose assistance it is that I am now come to release you." So saying, he cast himself at her feet; but, catching hold of her gown, unfortunately let go the magic sword: which the Yellow Dwarf no sooner discovered, than, leaping from behind a shrub where he had been concealed, he ran and seized it. By two cabalistcal words he then conjured up two giants, who