6. Worth then, mid-than-that (=while) thae were yonder, out-full-did (=fulfilled) the-days to her bearing.
7. And she-bore her son thone foremost-born, and be-wound him, and laid him in an oot-eatin (thing), because nae was to-them room in the stead.
8. And herds were in the same land, throoch-waking and witting watches by-nicht over their herd.
9. But the angel of-the frea on-cam to-them, and the-glory of the-frea be-shone them, yea they-awed with-muckle awe.
10. And quoth to 'em the angel: be-awed not, for see, spell-I to-you muckle joy, that worth (ariseth to all the-many,
11. That born is to-you the-day a-Saviour, he-that is Christ the-frea, in David's burg.
12. And that (be) to-you token: get-ye the-bairn bi-wound, yea laid in an ooteatin (thing).
13. And suddenly worth mid the angel a many of the her-ship of Himmel (kind)-begotten, herying God and quothing, -
14. Glory in-the-highest to-God, and on earth peace in men of good will.
15. And worth, be-the (=while) thai angels led far-from them into Himmel, and thae men thai herds quoth to themselves: let-us-throoch-gang now unto Bethlehem, yea let-us-see that word that worth (=happened) that the frea has-kenned to-us.
16. And cam they hastening, and begot (=found) Mary and Joseph and that bair lying in the oot-eatin (thing).
17. Seeing then they-kenned be (=about) that word that was read (=spoken) to 'em be that bairn,
18. Andall they hearing seld-likened (=marvelled) be thae (things) read from (by) the herds to 'em.
19. But Mary fastened all thae words, thinking in her heart.
20. And wended themselves thae herds muckeling, yea heezing God in all these-that they have heard, yea seen, so as (it) was read to 'em.
Notes to the Gothic of Luke II. 4-20.
4. Garda, in the sense of the ancestral home of the family, somewhat equivalent to the later territorial surname, often spoken of as that ill.
5. Ana-meljan—weak verb from mel, time (cf. Ger. ein-mal, once), A.S. mael-also writings: wis-andein, part. of wisan, to be, from which Eng. was, Sc. wurr, wuz, wiz-na, by common interchange of s and r.
6. Jainar, from jains=that (Ger. jener, yon), meaning there—other forms are jaind (“yond Cassius”—“Jul. Cæs.”), and jaindre=yonder.
8. Witandans, pres. part. of witan, to watch, observe (cf. eye-wit-ness). The two verbs witan, to know, and weitan, to see, are substantially identical, cf. οίδα and Lat. videre.
9. Ohtedun agisa, pret. pl. of ogan, from agan, to fear, and agis, awe. Such a form as Lat. ang-uis, a snake, shows that the material figure in