agan and agis is that of throttling or the choking sensation of awe or dread.
11. Nasjands, pr. part. of nisan, to save, A.S. ge-nesan, Ger. ge-nesen.
13. Hazjandane, pr. part. of hazjan, to praise, A.S. herian, O.E. hery.
14. Wulthus, glory, has many derivatives: A.S. wuldor.
17. Bi, prep. by, Ger. bei, occurs in many senses, some of which have been better preserved in Sc. than in Eng. Rodith, from rodjan, our read, but always in sense of speaking, as in Ger. reden and Redner.
Luke's Gospel in Nisbet's Scots.
Chapter II., Verses 4-20.
4. And Joseph went vp fra Galilee, fra the citee of Nazareth, into Judee, into a citee of Dauid, that is callit Bethleem, fore that he was of the hous and of the meynye of Dauid. 5. That he suld knawleche with Marie his wif, that was weddit to him and was gret with child. 6. And it was done, quhile thai ware thar, the dais ware fulfillit that scho suld beire childe. 7. And scho baire hire first born sonn, and wrappit him in clathis, and laid him in a cribbe; for thare was na place to him in na chalmere. 8. And schepirdis war in the sammin cuntre wakand and kepand the wacheingis of the nycht on thare flock. 9. And, lo, the angel of the Lorde stude beside thame, and the cleirnes of God schynit about thame; and thai dredd with gret dreed. 10. And the angell said to thame, Will ye nocht dreed; for, lo, I preche to you a gret ioy, that salbe to al the pepile. 11. For a saluatour is born this day to you, that is Crist the Lord, in the citee of Dauid. 12. And this is a takin to you: Ye sal find a young child wlappit in clathis, and laid in a cribbe. 13. And suddanlie thare was made with the angel a multitude of heuenlie knichthede loving God, and sayand, 14. Glorie be in the hieast thingis to God, and in erd pece, to men off gude will. 15. Ande it was done, as the angellis passit away fra thame into heuen, the schephirdis spak togiddire and said, Go we ouir to Bethleem, and se we this word that is made, quhilk the Lord has made and schawin to vs. 16. And thai hyand com, and fand Marie and Joseph, and the young child laid in a cribbe. 17. And thai seand, knew of the word that was said to