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Hence from the comings and goings of these men the village folk had their imaginations quickened and their wits sharpened by dealings with the denizens of the cities.

More than this, Choy Hung was a wonderful birthplace because it was not far from the Kam Shing anchorage, the Harbor of Venus, the port of the Golden Star; Kam meaning gold, Shing meaning star. In that early time the Manchus generally did not allow foreigners to anchor on the Chinese-Macao side, nor at Canton; so the Harbor of Venus was set aside for them, being central to the three ports of Hong Kong, Canton, and Macao. Hence Kam Shing took on some reflected importance from these three large centers of commerce and population. The Town of the Blue Valley was only a brisk morning's walk from the Harbor of Venus, and about everything that happened in that harbor came to the waiting ears of the simple but gradually awakening people of Choy Hung.

"One of the earliest recollections that I have," Sun once narrated to me, "was the story that a dear old adopted auntie in our family told me. I was only a tiny boy, but this dear old auntie thought to entertain me by telling me about the Harbor of Venus. Oh! Then it seemed so very far away to me—that Harbor of the Golden Star