Index:Sun Yat Sen And The Chinese Republic (IA in.ernet.dli.2015.80300).pdf
CONTENTS FIRST PERIOD—1866 to 1879—Early Chinese Life
SECOND PERIOD—1879 to 1883, and Part of 1886—American Influence—Two Sojourns in Honolulu
THIRD PERIOD—1884 to 1886—English Influence at Hong Kong after the "Wasted Year"
FOURTH PERIOD—1886 to 1894—Avocation and Vocation
FIFTH PERIOD—1895 to October 11, 1896—First Fugitive Period This period covers the time from Sun Yat Sen's second thwarted attack at Canton in 1895 to October 11, 1896, when he was kidnapped by the Chinese Legation at London
SIXTH PERIOD—October 11, 1896, to December 6, 1911—Intensive Revolutionary Methods In this period Sun becomes more certain of his success because he has found the methods which are the best instruments for revolutionary work
SEVENTH PERIOD—From January 1, 1912, to the Fall of Nanking in the Second Revolution, October 27, 1913—Presidential and Post-Presidential
EIGHTH PERIOD—October 27, 1913, to Yuan's death, June 6, 1916—Post-Presidential Exile
NINTH PERIOD—From Yuan's death, June 6, 1916, to the present, with something of the Reformer's life at Shanghai, 1918—21——Readjustment