Vilva*[1] should again be cooked with milk weighing ten times and with (the Kalka of) sugar, Yashti-madhu and (red) sandal wood. It should then be thickened and used as an ear-drop in cases of deafness. Measures and remedies, which will be mentioned in connection with Pratiśyáya †[2] (catarrh) or have been already described in the chapter on Váta-Vyádhi ‡[3] Chikitsá may be as well employed with benefit in the present instances. 27-30.
Treatment of Puti-karna, Karna-sráva and Krimi-karna:— The general mode of treatment to be employed in cases of Karna-sráva, Puti-karna and Krimi-karna is the same as above. Now here (me describe) the general mode of treatment to be employed in them. Errhines, fumigating, filling up the cavity of the ear (as with an ear-drop), cleansing and washing should be employed according to the exigencies of each case. The affected ear should be washed with the decoction of the drugs of the Rája-vrikshádi or the Surasádi group and filled with the powders of those drugs. In a case of Karna-Sráva, the cavity of the affected organ should be filled in with the powders (D. R. decoction) of the Pancha-Kasháya §[4] drugs mixed with honey and the expressed juice of Kapittha. 31-32.
- ↑ * In place of "Vilvámbu-gádham" some read "Vimbi-gádham" ,i.e., mixed with an abundant quantity of powdered Vimbi fruit. — Dallana.
- ↑ † Chap. XXIV, Uttara-Tantra.
- ↑ ‡ Chapter V and VI, Chikitsita-Sthána.
- ↑ § According to some, "Pancha-Kasháya" means the barks of Áragbadha, S'irisha, Jambu, Sarja and of Asvamdra (Palásá), but Dallana, on the authority of the authors of the Tiká and the Panjiká, (the two commentaries) refutes this and holds that "Pancha-kasháya" means the barks of Tinduka, Abhayá, Lodhra, Samangá and of Ámalakaenumerated below in this chapter.