The use of the powders of Sarja-bark mixed with honey and expressed juice of the Kárpási fruit is recommended in cases of Karna-Sráva. A compound consisting of pulverised Lákshá and Sarja-rasa (D. R. Rasánjana) should be used in filling up the cavity of the affected organ in the said disease. The oil duly cooked with the tender sprouts of Śaivála, Mahá-vriksha, Jambu and of Amra, as well as with Karkata-S' ringi honey and Manduki is highly efficacious in these cases. Powders of the barks of Tinduka, Abhayá, Rodhra, Samangá and of Ámalaka mixed with honey*[1] and the expressed juice of Kapittha should be similarly used. 33-36.
The expressed juice of Ámra, Kapittha, Madhuka flower, Dhava and of Śála, or an oil duly cooked with these is likswise recommended as ear-drops in these cases. The oil cooked with Priyangu, Yashti-madhu, Ambáliká, Dhátaki, Śita-parni, Manjishthá, Lodhra, and Lákshá (as Kalka), and with the expressed juice of the sprouts of Kapittha as the liquid, if used as an ear-drop, arrests the secretion in a case of Karna-sráva. 37-38.
Treatment of Puti-karna:—— Rasánjana rubbed and dissolved in the breast-milk and mixed with honey proves highly efficacious even in chronic and long-standing cases of Puti-karna attended with fetid discharge. The use as ear-drops of the compound composed of oil, the expressed juice of Nirgundi and honey mixed together arrests an attack of Puti-karna. 39-40.
Treatment of Krimi-karna:— Vermifuges should be employed for the treatment of a case
- ↑ * Śrikantha Datta in his commentary on Vrinda quotes this couplet, but does not read 'honey' there. He reads "(
Indic characters)" in place of "(
Indic characters)"