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Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/148

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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the causes and symptoms of diseases of the nose (Násá-gata-roga-Vijnániya). 1.

Nomenclature and Classification:— Diseases which are specifically found to affect the organ of smell may be classified into Thirty-one different groups, viz., — Apinasa, Puti-nasya, Násá-páka. Śonita-Pitta.Puya-śonita, Kshavathu, Bhramśathu, Dipta, Násá-náha, Pari-sráva, Násá-śosha, the four kinds of Arśas ( polypoids ), the four kinds of swelling, the seven types of tumours and the five types of Prati-śyáya which will be described hereafter with the specific treatment of each. Thus the diseases of the nose are said to be thirty-one in all. 2.

Symptoms of Apinasa and Puti-nasya: — Chokedness and burning sensation in the nostrils attended with dryness and deposit of filthy slimy mucus in their passages, thereby deadening the faculty of smell and taste for the time being, are the specific indications of Apinasa, ( obstructions in the nostrils ) which are identical with the symptoms (of the same type) of Pratiśyáya (catarrh). It is due to the concerted action of the deranged Váyu and Kapha. The disease in which the fetid breath is emitted through the mouth and the nostrils owing to the presence of the deranged Váyu mixed up with the other Doshas ( Pitta, Kapha and blood) in the throat and about the root of the palate is called Puti-nasya. 3-4.

Symptoms of Násá-páka, Rakta-Pitta and Puya-rakta: — A purulent inflammation and the presence of pimples (Arush) in the