nostrils owing to the vitiated condition of the local Pitta attended with sliminess and fœtid odor is called Násá-páka. The four kinds of Rakta-Pitta (hæmorrhages) with the two different origins and two different courses will be dealt with again later on.*[1] The disease in which bloody or blood-streaked pus is discharged through the nostrils either as the effect of a blow on the region of the fore-head or through the highly heated condition of the local blood, Pitta and Kapha is called Puya-rakta (bloody pus ). 5-7.
Symptoms of Kshavathu:— The disease in which the Váyu charged with Kapha repeatedly gushes out of the nostrils accompained by loud reports or sounds, owing to the fact of the nasal Marma being anywise affected, is called Kshavathu (sneezing).†[2] A trickling sensation in the gristle of the nose owing to the insertion of a thread, etc., into the nostrils, or to the action of any strong (Tikshna) articles of fare, or of any pungent smell, or of looking to the sun causes sneezing. 8-9.
Symptoms of Bhramŝathu and Dipta: — The disease in which the deranged undigested thickened and saline Kapha previously accumulated in the region of the head is dissolved or disintegrated and dislodged from its seat through the heat of Pitta and is expelled (sneezed off) through the nostrils is called Bhramśathu. The affection in which
- ↑ * The four kinds are due to vitiated Váyu, Pitta and Kapha as well as their concerted action. The two origins are (a) the spleen and the liver, or (b) the Ámàśaya (stomach) and the Pakvàśaya (intestines). The two courses are (a) the upper and the lower orifice, or (b) the mouth and the nostrils. (2)
- ↑ † The sneezing is here said to be of two kinds (l) Doshaja and (2) traumatic. Here the former is Doshaja, while the latter is of traumatic origin.