Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/67

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Chap. IX.]

butter cooked with the drugs of the Jivaniya group and the filling of the cavity of the eye with the same, as well as snuffing with the Anu-taila*[1] are also efficacious in such cases. Washes composed of cold milk with the admixture of Saindhava salt or of milk cooked with Rajani and Deva-dáru and mixed with (a little quantity of) Saindhava are efficacious. Mahaushadha (Śunthi) rubbed over a stone-slab with clarified butter and breast- milk is also recommended as an Anjana (eye-salve)†[2]. The Vasá (essence of the flesh) of aquatic animals or of those which frequent swampy grounds, mixed with a little quantity of powdered S'unthi and Sanidhava salt (and rubbed on stone-slab) should be applied to the eyes as an Anjana (collyrium) in a case of Śushkâkshi-pâka (Non-secreting type of conjunctivites). Let the intelligent physician treat the sight-destroying Vátaja affections of the eye of what-soever kind in accordance with the principle herein inculcated. 4-5.

Thus ends the ninth Chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the medical treatment of Vátaja Abhishyanda.

  1. * According to Dallana, this Anu-taila is not the one described in Chapter V of the Chikitsita Sthána; but the one described in the S'álákya-Tantra.
  2. † This couplet may also be translated as follows:—Anjana (black-antimony) rubbed over a stone-slab with clarified butter and breast-milk is also recommended as a best remedy in such cases.