Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 3.djvu/68

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Now we shall discourse on the curative treatment of Abhishyanda (Ophthalmia) due to the action of deranged Pitta (Pittá-bhishyanda-Pratishedha). 1.

General Treatment:— Blood-letting and purgatives, eye-washes and plasters round the eyes, medicinal snuffs and Anjana (collyrium), as well as the remedial measures for Pittaja-Visarpa (Erysipelas) should be employed in a case of Pittaja Abhishyanda (Ophthalmia) and Pittaja Adhimantha (Conjunctivites). 2.

Clarified butter or goat's milk duly cooked with Gundrá, S'áli (paddy), S'aivála, S'aila-bheda, Dáruharidrâ, Elá, Utpala, two parts of Lodhra, Abhra (Mustaka), Padma-leaves, sugar, Durvá, Ikshu, Tála, Vetasa, Padmaka, Drákshá, honey, (red) Chandana, Yashtimadhu, breast-milk, Haridrá and Ananta-mula, should be employed as a Tarpana measure*[1] or as a wash or snuff in the present case. As an alternative, all the preceding drugs or as many of them as would be available should be daily used in the manner of any of the four forms of Nasya †[2]. 3.

Anjanas :— All the Pitta-subduing measures, may be employed in such cases. Application of medicinal snuffs (as well as eye-drops, etc.) with Kshira-Sarpik (clarified butter churned from milk) at the interval of three days, as well as that of Anjana (collyrium) with the expressed juice of Palásá or of S'allaki, mixed with honey and sugar, should be likewise resorted

  1. * See Chapter XVIII, ibid.
  2. † The four forms of Nasya are (l) Pratimarsha." (2) Avapida (3) Nasya (snuff) and (4) S'iro-virechana.