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Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 2.djvu/196

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straightway clapped the Jew in irons for the murder of a woman.

When it was the appointed time, there came to us the man of the Sultan’s guards, [who had accompanied the Jew, when he came to complain of the loss of the money,] and said, “The Sultan biddeth you nail up[1] the Jew and bring the money, for that there is no way by which five thousand dinars can be lost.” Wherefore we knew that our device sufficed not. So I went forth and finding a young man, a Haurani,[2] passing along the road, laid hands on him and stripped him and beat him with palm-rods. Then I clapped him in irons and carrying him to the prefecture, beat him again, saying to them, “This is the thief who stole the money.” And we strove to make him confess; but he would not confess. So we beat him a third and a fourth time, till we were weary and exhausted and he became unable to return an answer. But, when we had made an end of beating and tormenting him, he said, “I will fetch the money forthright.”

So we went with him till he came to the place where my slave had buried the money and dug there and brought it out; whereat I marvelled with the utmost wonder and we carried it to the prefect’s house. When the latter saw the money, he rejoiced with an exceeding joy and bestowed on me a dress of honour. Then he restored the money straightway to the Sultan and we left the youth in prison; whilst I said to my slave who

  1. i.e. crucify.
  2. i.e. a native of the Hauran, a district East of Damascus.