Page:Tam Glen (3).pdf/4

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An' whare gat ye that young thing,
My boy Tammy?
I gat her down on yonder howe,
Smiling on a broomy knowe,
Herding a wee lamb and ewe,
For her poor mammy.

What said ye to the bonny bairn.
My boy Tammy?
I praised her een sae bonny blue.
Her dimpled cheek and bonnie mou,
I prie'd it aft, as ye may trow——
She said she'd tell her mammy.

I held her to my beating heart:
My young but smiling lammie!
I hae a house it cost me dear,
I've wealth o' plenishing and gear:
Ye'se get it a' war't ten times mair,
Gin ye will leave your mammy.

We'll tak' her hame, and make her fals,
My ain kind-hearted lammy!
We'll gie her meat, we'll gie her claise,
We'll be her comfort a her days;
The wee thing gies her hand, and says.-
There, gang and ask my mammy.