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Has she been to the kirk wi' thee,
My boy Tammy?
She has been to the kirk wi' me,
And the tear was in her e'e,—
But Oh! she's but a young thing,
Just come frae her mammy.


Blythe, blythe and merry was she,
Blythe was she but and ben:
Blythe by the banks of Earn,
And blythe in Glenturit Glen.

By Oughtertyre grows the aik,
On Yarrow banks the birken-shaw,
But Phemie was the bonniest lass,
That braes o' Yarrow ever saw,
Blythe, &c.

Her looks were like a flower in May,
Her smile was like a simmer morn;
She tripped by the banks of Earn,
As light's a bird upon a thorn.
Blythe, &c.