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The top-ſailward point to the wind, boys,
ſee all clear to reef each courſe;
Let the fore-ſheet go, don't mind boys,
tho' the weather ſhould be worſe:
Fore and aft the ſpritſail-yard get,
reef the mizzen, ſee all clear;
Hands up, each preventure brace fet,
man the fore-yard; cheer, lads, cheer.

Now the dreadful thunder's roaring,
peals on peals contending claſh,
On your heads fierce rain falls pouring,
in your eyes blue lightnings flaſh.
One wide water all around us.
all above but one black ſky!
Diff'rent deaths at once ſurround us,
hark! What means yon dreadful cry?

The foremaſt's gone, cries every tongue out,
o'er the lee, twelve feet 'bove deck!
A leak beneath the cheſtree's ſprung out!
call all hands to clear the wreck,
Quick she laniards cut to pieces,
come, my hearts, be ſtout and bold;
Plumb the well, the leak increaſes,
four feet water's in the hold!

While o'er die ſhip the wild waves beatings;
we for, wives ard children mourn:
Alas! from them there's no retreating,
alas! to them there's no return!
Still tit leak is gaining on us!

both chain-pumps are cboak'd below;